When I saw this pin on Pinterest it got me thinking about patients I've had who we have no information on after a car accident. Often, the parents are at a different hospital, and sometimes the rest of the family doesn't give accurate information. Sometimes aunts, uncles, and grandparents can't even tell us the right birthday!
Since I don't have printable stickers, I decided just to type up the info on regular paper and seal it to the car seat with packing tape. This will also protect it from spills and anything else that might get onto the car seat.
I printed them in 16 point font, and you can add color to your font as well, or highlight important lines to make it stand out more. Just open word and type it up as columns in landscape, print, cut, and tape.
Important information to include:
- Child's name
- Child's birthday
- Any allergies (If no allergies, write "No Known Allergies" so that emergency personnel know for sure)
- Any medical conditions that Drs should be aware of
- Parent's names and phone numbers
- Other emergency contact and phone number (In case both parents are in the accident, you need someone else like a grandparent or close friend who can give accurate info)
- Pediatrician's name and number
- If you have beliefs that may be important to know in case of emergency - ex: Jehovah's witness- no blood products
My name is
Child's Name
D.O.B. xx/xx/xx
No Known Allergies
My mom is: Name
Phone #
My dad is: Name
Phone #
My grandma is: Name
Phone #
My Doctor is: Name
Office Phone #
Make sure that you print two for each car seat (one for each side) and put them where they are easily seen. You can really add any info that you feel is important to have in case of emergency.
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